Optimize & Compress your Flash SWF Movies
SWF Compress uses unique compression algorithms to optimize shapes, fonts, images, audio and more.
SWF Compress™ 1.0 is a powerful new Adobe Flash SWF compression tool. Optimize, Compress and Reduce your SWF files size up to 60% without loss in quality or function.
SWF Compress 1.0 can target Symbols, Images, Fonts, Code and even FLVs and Audio in your SWF Files to reduce the final filesize by upto 60%! SWF Compress 1.0 is available as an IDE for Windows & Mac OSX.
Flash SWF Movie Compression Comparison
Optimize & Compress your Flash SWF Files by upto 60% with no loss in functionality.
The easiest way to understand the benefit of SWF Compress 1.0 is to compare a non-compressed SWF with an optimized and compressed SWF. Please take a look at the example below and select the appropriate tab to view different examples:

Standard SWF exported from Flash
This screenshots on the left shows a Flash 10 SWF Movie (courtesy of Away3D) once it has been exported from Flash. The size of the file is 552k and it has NOT been optimized by SWF Compress™ 1.0..
Compressed with SWF Compress 1.0
The Screenshots on the right demonstrates the huge reduction in filesize when the exact same SWF is compressed using SWF Compress™ 1.0 - In this example, the new file is reduced by almost 60% with absolutely no loss in quality or functionality!
In order to fully appreciate the comparison, please download the original and optimized SWF Files by Clicking Here.
SWF Compress 1.0 Trial Download
Available for Windows & Mac OSX
Please enter your email below. The SWF Compress™ 1.0 Trial download link will be emailed to the address provided.*
The Trial Version is limited to mono output only - All Compressed SWFs will be saved in Monochrome. This does not occur with the Full Registered version. *Your email will NOT be used for solicitation by 3rd Parties.