Frequently Asked Questions

The Frequently Asked Questions provides an index of the most recent and popular Amayeta Software FAQs.

Can I lock a SWF to a specific domain?

When ever a browser loads a HTML page with a Flash Movie, the SWF is downloaded to the local drive and is freely available in the Internet Temporary Items Folder. This makes it very easy for others to have your actual physical SWF File. From here, it is not uncommon for unscrupulous webmasters to host the SWF movie on their own website and pass it off as their own work.

Whilst this cannot be prevented entirely, steps can be taken to reduce this from occurring:

1. Use the Meta Tag CONTENT="no-cache" in your HTML page which prevents the browser from caching the page. This is a good way to prevent Page Caching on browsers that support this feature.

2. Add the following Actionscript code to the first frame of your SWF Movie:

path = _url.substring(0,18);
if (path == "http://www.amayeta" || path ==
"" ){

The code above checks to see if the SWF is playing on the correct domain (In this case, and if not, it stops the playback and opens a new browser window with the correct URL.